The Essential Exponential! For the Future of Our Planet - a book by Albert A. Bartlett

The Essential Exponential! For the Future of Our Planet
by Albert A. Bartlett
University of Colorado at Boulder
with Robert G. Fuller,
Vicki L. Plano Clark
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
John A. Rogers,
Westside High School, Omaha NE
Center for Science, Mathematics & Computer Education, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, ISBN 0-9758973-0-6
The book contains reprints of Prof. Bartlett's papers on exponential arithmetic, energy, population and sustainability. Also included are related major articles by M. King Hubbert and L. David Roper.

Professor Albert A. Bartlett (seated), with John A. Rogers, Westside High School (on the left), Robert G. Fuller, UNL and Vicki L. Plano Clark, UNL. (Photo courtesy John Rogers).
You can order the book, "The Essential Exponential!", from: the University of Colorado bookstore, Boulder, Colorado ($18 plus shipping and handling).
You can also order a video DVD of Al Bartlett's talk, "Arithmetic, Population and Energy ($12 plus shipping and handling).
CU Bookstore, Campus Box 36, Boulder, Colorado, 80309-0036 Phone 303 492-3445. The book is also available online at the CU Bookstore.
You can also order from the University of Nebraska, Center for Science, Mathematics & Computer Education, Lincoln, Nebraska. (Book and DVD: $30 plus shipping and handling).
(Prof. Bartlett accepts no royalties from the sales of these DVDs and books.)
Book review
Also see: Book Review of The Essential Exponential, by John Attarian, The Social Contract, Fall, 2005.
Table of Contents - The Essential Exponential
Chapter 1 - Exponential Recollections
- Exponential Recollections by Albert A. Bartlett
Chapter 2 - On Energy
Articles by Albert A. Bartlett
- "Forgotten Fundamentals of the Energy Crisis",
American Journal of Physics, Vol. 46, September 1978, pgs. 876-888 - "Coal: No Superabundance for Us",
Physics Today, Letters, December 1976, pgs. 9, 11; May, 1977, pgs. 103-104 - "Correction to Estimates of Fossil Fuel Lifetimes",
Journal of Chemical Education, Vol. 58, No. 6, June 1981, pgs. 501-502 - "Natural Gas and Transportation",
by A. A. B. & Robert A. Ristinen (Univ. of Colorado) Physics and Society, Vol. 24, No. 4, October 1995, pgs. 9-10 - "An Analysis of U.S. and World Oil Production Patterns Using Hubbert-Style Curves",
Mathematical Geology, Vol. 32, No. 1, January 2000, pgs. 1-17 - "Energy Conservation is Conservative",
Boulder Daily Camera, July 1, 2001, pgs. 3E-4E
Chapter 3 - On Population
Articles by Albert A. Bartlett
- "Zero Growth of the Population of the United States",
by A. A. B. & Edward P. Lytwak (Carrying Capacity Network, Washington, D.C.) Population & Environment, Vol. 16, No. 5, May 1995, pgs. 415-428 - "Democracy Cannot Survive Overpopulation",
Population & Environment, Vol. 22, No. 1, September 2000, pgs. 63-71 - "The Massive Movement to Marginalize the Modern Malthusian Message",
The Social Contract, Vol. 8, No. 3, Spring 1998, pgs. 239-251 - "Regionwide Planning Will Make the Problems Worse",
The Social Contract, Vol. 9, No. 4, Summer 1999, pgs. 224-227
Chapter 4 - On Resources
Articles by Albert A. Bartlett
- "Sustained Availability: a Management Program for Nonrenewable Resources",
American Journal of Physics, Vol. 54, May 1986, pgs. 398-402 - "Expert Predictions of the Lifetimes of Non-renewable Resources",
The Mathematical Gazette, Vol. 78, No. 482, July 1994, pgs. 127-129 - "Reflections on sustainability population growth, and the environment-revisited", Renewable Resources J., Vol. 15, No. 4, Winter 1997-98, pgs. 6-23 [Also see "Reflections on Sustainability, Population Growth, and the Environment"]
- "Letters in response to the article above",
Renewable Resources Journal, Vol. 16, No. 1, Spring 1998, pgs. 6, 7, 24
Chapter 5 - Related Articles by M. King Hubbert and L. David Roper
- "Exponential Growth as a Transient Phenomenon in Human History",
by M. King Hubbert, World Wildlife Fund, Fourth International Congress, The Fragile Earth: Toward Strategies for Survival, San Francisco, 1976 - "The Depletion Theory",
by L. David Roper, 1976 - "Crude Oil Depletion",
L. David Roper, 2003
Chapter 6 - The Arithmetic of Growth
Articles by Albert A. Bartlett
- "Arithmetic of Growth: Methods of Calculation",
Population & Environment, Vol. 14, No. 4, March 1993, pgs. 359-387 - "Arithmetic of Growth: Methods of Calculation, II",
Population & Environment, Vol. 20, No. 3, January 1999, pgs. 215-246 - "The Rising Tide is not Lifting all Ships Equally",
Population & Environment, Vol. 19, No. 5, May 1998, pgs. 439-441
Chapter 7 - The Exponential Function
Articles by Albert A. Bartlett
- "The Exponential Function - Part I",
The Physics Teacher, Vol. 14, October 1976, pgs. 393-401 - "The Exponential Function - Part II",
The Physics Teacher, Vol. 14, November 1976, pgs. 485, 518 - "The Exponential Function - Part III",
The Physics Teacher, Vol. 15, January 1977, pgs. 37, 38, 62 - "The Exponential Function - Part IV",
The Physics Teacher, Vol. 15, March 1977, pg. 98 - "The Exponential Function - Part V",
The Physics Teacher, Vol. 15, April 1977, pgs. 225-226 - "The Exponential Function - Part VI",
The Physics Teacher, Vol. 16, January 1978, pgs. 23-24 - "The Exponential Function - Part VII",
The Physics Teacher, Vol. 16, February 1978, pgs. 92-93 - "The Exponential Function - Part VII",
The Physics Teacher, Vol. 16, March 1978, pgs. 158-159 - "The Exponential Function - Part IX",
The Physics Teacher, Vol. 17, January 1979, pgs. 23-24 - "Large Consequences of Small Events",
The Physics Teacher, Vol. 18, April 1980, pgs. 300-302 - "A World Full of Oil: The Exponential Function - Part X",
The Physics Teacher, Vol. 28, November 1990, pgs. 540-541 - "The Exponential Function, XI: the New Flat Earth Society",
The Physics Teacher, Vol. 34, No. 6, September 1996, pgs. 342-343 [See The New Flat Earth Society] - "Physics from the News: Curve Fitting",
The Physics Teacher, Vol. 32, May 1994, pgs. 278-281 - "Faster than Exponential",
by A. A. B. & Haym Kruglak (Western Michigan Univ.) The Physics Teacher, Vol. 36, October 1998, pgs. 422-423
Chapter 8 - Endnotes
by Robert G. Fuller, Vicki L. Plano Clark and John A. RogersChapter 9 - Annotated Bibliography of Exponential Articles by Albert A. Bartlett
- Annotated Bibliography of Exponential Articles by Albert A. Bartlett (PDF)
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